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[PR/Article] Neovision ‘Neoism’, TV commercial on air

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[Job Post] Reporter Hyejin Choi = Neovision Co., Ltd. (CEO Kyung-hwa Kim) announced that it started broadcasting a TV commercial filmed with Neoism model Son Yeon-jae from this month.

The Neoism TV commercial that aired this time is said to have expressed that Neovision's dream of making a lens that resembles the human eye through the MPC 12% lens is getting closer.

The first part, where water and light gather and transform into a lens, metaphorically expresses a high moisture content (60%) through MPC12%, adding to the mystery of the lens. In addition, Son Yeon-jae's confident pose and declarative narration wearing a neo-ism lens indirectly expressed the birth of the MPC12% lens. The advertisement can be found on terrestrial TV, cable TV, and YouTube.

An official from Neovision Co., Ltd. said, “This advertisement is the first work to introduce a lens with 12% MPC, a human-compatible material, and features Son Yeon-jae’s confident and mysterious expression.” “Through various marketing activities in the future, more customers will be We will make sure that you can come in contact with this product and experience comfortable lenses.”

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